Fulbright Malaysia Program

Fulbright Malaysia Program

Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study & Research Program

  • Award Duration
    Master's - Maximum of 2 years
    Ph.D. - Maximum of 2 years
  • Announcement Of Application
    Open - May 14, 2025 | Close - July 16, 2025

MACEE Information Session On Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study & Research Program

The Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study & Research Program awards grants annually to Malaysian students to study for a Master’s or PhD in the United States.

  • To be eligible to apply for the Fulbright Malaysian Graduate Study & Research program, you must:

    • Be a Malaysian citizen
    • Have lived in Malaysia for at least one year prior to the announcement date
    • Have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree with Honors and CGPA of 3.0 or equivalent
    • Have a TOEFL score of at least 100 (iBT). All shortlisted candidates are required to take the TOEFL iBT, with MACEE providing vouchers to cover the test fee. 
      • Note: Certain fields and/or institutions may require a higher score. 
    • Have a GMAT*, GRE*, or GRE subject test* with a minimum score as required by the institution of your choice.
    • Be available for a virtual interview.
    • Commit to return to Malaysia immediately upon completion of the study.

    The following individuals are not eligible:

    • Who are currently or were previously enrolled in a graduate degree program at an American university and are seeking nomination to complete it.
    • To complete a second Master’s degree or PhD.
    • Intend to pursue internship, residency, or research at a U.S. school of medicine, nursing, dentistry, or veterinary medicine.
    • Working or currently studying anywhere outside Malaysia.
Award Benefit
  • USD 35,000 per year for a maximum of 2 years of study regardless of degree or curriculum sought.
  • All grants are for periods of one academic year but can be renewed for a second year if academic requirements are met.
  • University placement support.
  • Accident and sickness health benefit coverage

Note: Grant renewals are recommended for approval by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarships Board and are not automatically renewable.

Nature of the award: 

  • Awards will be partial grants or otherwise require cost-sharing from the candidate’s home institution, scholarships, or other funding from the admitting university or from personal resources.  
  • The amount of any specific award will be based on available funding and other criteria as determined by the academic committee during the selection process. 
  • All decisions regarding category and amount of grant shall be final. Similarly, the amount of renewal funding shall be contingent upon financial circumstances affecting the Commission. 
  • For Master’s and PhD grants, efforts will be made to retain funding levels from the first to the second year. However, candidates should not assume this will take place.

 Placement of award:

  • IIE-Placement: IIE’s Placement service works to secure Master’s and PhD opportunities on behalf of Fulbright candidates. Candidates are required to submit their Fulbright application and provide all supporting documents to MACEE. The Placement Team will use the information shared in their Fulbright application to apply to institutions on behalf of each candidate. The Placement Team will manage admission decisions and negotiate funding. The Placement Team will accept and decline on behalf of candidates once a final placement decision is made. The Placement Team is the first point of contact to U.S. institutions during this process and candidates are only in touch directly with U.S. institutions on an as needed basis.
  • Self-Placement: Candidates can apply to universities directly and manage their applications with universities directly. Candidates are responsible to submit materials and test scores per each university deadline and application requirements including any associated fees or deposits. IIE is not involved in the application process for self-placed candidates. Candidates secure their own admission, possible university funding and tuition awards independently.

Note: Students cannot apply for programs with clinical requirements such as dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing. 

Note: Institute of International Education (IIE) will assist candidates in securing a placement at a regionally accredited U.S. university and candidates should be accepted by June 1st, 2026.

Additional Information

Designate your test score reports to the Institute of International Education (IIE).  Institution code for TOEFL & GRE: 2326, GMAT: FOF-4J-28. 

Application Procedure

You will need to submit: 

  • A complete online application.
  • Certified true copies of university transcript(s) for all years of academic study.
  • Certified true copies of degree certificates.
  • A writing sample.This is required for all PhD applicants and for 

a Master’s applicant, this field is recommended, but not mandatory. 

  • Three reference letters
  • A study/research objective
  • A personal statement

Note: Selected Master’s fields may require a writing sample. 

Fulbright Plagiarism Procedure

This program seeks applicants whose writing achieves the highest academic standards of original research, writing, and citation. Application materials will be processed using software to help identify any instances of plagiarism. Plagiarism in any part of your application will result in your disqualification from participating in the program.

 Plagiarism will be understood to include any of the following:

Presenting wording, statistics, or concepts as your own which should be attributed to someone else or publications (online or offline). This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying the exact wording of a written source
  • Presenting material with alterations in wording
  • Paraphrasing the content of a source without citation

It is expected that your application will be your work and writing, with a clear citation of secondary sources if describing the academic work and writing of others (including one’s own previously published work). Any sources used in the construction of your responses must be cited.