Fulbright Malaysia Program

Fulbright Malaysia Program

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)

  • Award Duration
    9 months
  • Announcement Of Application
    Open - May 14, 2025 | Close -July 16, 2025  

MACEE Information Session on Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA)

The Fulbright FLTA Program offers a fully funded, nine-month opportunity for early-career educators of secondary schools and higher learning institutions to teach Bahasa Melayu language at an American college or university.

The program is open to individuals with less than seven years of full-time teaching experience in fields including, but not limited to, English, Bahasa Melayu, humanities, tourism and literature.

  1. To be eligible to apply for the Fulbright FLTA program, you must be:

    • A Malaysian citizen.
    • Possess an equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor’s degree. 
    • Educators with under seven (7) years of full-time teaching experience. 
    • An early career teacher of English or training to become a teacher of English, or are an early career educator in fields including, but not limited to, English, Bahasa Melayu, humanities, tourism and literature.
    • Fluent in English as demonstrated by the required scores below:
      • TOEFL (Paper-based): Minimum 550
      • TOEFL (Computer-based): Minimum 213
      • TOEFL (Internet-based): Minimum 79-80
      • IELTS: Minimum overall score of 6.0

    Note: All shortlisted candidates are required to take the TOEFL iBT, with MACEE providing vouchers to cover the test fee.

Residency Requirements:

  • Applicants must reside in Malaysia throughout the nomination and selection process and plan to return home immediately after the nine-month FLTA program.

Dependents: The Fulbright FLTA program does not support dependents or family members. Candidates cannot bring dependents at any time during the program. 

Award Benefit
  • Roundtrip airfare
  • Monthly stipend that will be used to cover housing, meals and daily living expenses
  • A one time books/material allowance
  • Accident and sickness health benefit coverage
Application Procedure

You will need to submit:

1) A complete online application. 

2) Original academic transcripts and certificates with certified English translations.

3) Three letters of reference.

4) TOEFL score report.

5) A valid passport with an expiration date of no earlier than December 31, 2026 

6) A curriculum vitae/resume that describes academic credentials and demonstrates a record of scholarly achievements.


  1. English Language Testing: All shortlisted candidates will be required to take the TOEFL iBT test and MACEE will issue vouchers to cover the cost of the test.
  2. When composing a curriculum vitae/resume, it is important to include:
    • Education (universities attended, degrees earned and dates received)
    • Professional positions held
    • Courses taught and other services provided to students and the home institution
    • Publications (if any) (provide full citations and list them starting with the most recent)
    • Other professional activities, such as workshops, seminars and consultations
    • Membership and activities in professional associations
    • Professional honors, awards and fellowships
    • Community service

FLTA Online Application Guide for Applicants

Incomplete applications will not be considered, so you are advised to answer all questions as fully as possible.

Program Description

Fulbright FLTA participants will assist in up to twenty hours of language classes per week and are required to enroll in at least two courses per semester, one of which must be in U.S. Studies. Coursework is offered on either an audit or credit basis. Fulbright FLTA participants will also be expected to facilitate in-person or virtual cultural events, language clubs, and language tables.

As a Fulbright FLTA participant, you will:

  • Create and teach a Bahasa Melayu language syllabus while sharing aspects of Malaysian culture.
  • Refine your instructional techniques and methodologies.
  • Boost your English proficiency.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of American society, culture and classroom.
  • Engage in community activities and outreach programs.

Fulbright FLTA participants must return to their home countries upon completion of the program

Additional Information

What we are looking for in a candidate:


  • Must demonstrate maturity, dependability, integrity, flexibility, and professionalism.
  • Should be energetic, early career educators capable of excelling in the dual role of teaching assistant and student. Open to living with U.S. student peers in campus housing and engaging with faculty and staff professionally and maturely.

Integrity and Conduct

  • Misrepresentation or plagiarism in the application or during the grant period will result in withdrawal of the application or termination of the grant. Offenders may also be ineligible for future Fulbright programs.
  • Must reside in Malaysia throughout the nomination and selection process and plan to return home immediately after the nine-month FLTA program.
  • Applicants cannot bring dependents at any time during the program.
Fulbright Plagiarism Procedure

This program seeks applicants whose writing achieves the highest academic standards of original research, writing, and citation. Application materials will be processed using software to help identify any instances of plagiarism. Plagiarism in any part of your application will result in your disqualification from participating in the program.

Plagiarism will be understood to include any of the following:

Presenting wording, statistics, or concepts as your own which should be attributed to someone else or publications (online or offline). This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying the exact wording of a written source
  • Presenting material with alterations in wording
  • Paraphrasing the content of a source without citation

It is expected that your application will be your work and writing, with a clear citation of secondary sources if describing the academic work and writing of others (including one’s own previously published work). Any sources used in the construction of your responses must be cited.